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Original Message:

Dream Travel Tonya Williams Cancelled our vacation for a family reunion of 12 days before departure (by Stacey G.):

Now what-the cost of the vacation is three times higher than it was at the time of booking-airfare for 12- approx $12k. Pay the damages you caused Tonya!

Here is the message I received blaming prior customers and Marriott:

This email is to regretfully inform you that we are going to be unable to accommodate your reservation at the Marriott Aruba Surf Club for the dates you have booked. Due to the actions of 2 families who booked with us on our wholesale weeks like you did, our Marriott wholesale contracts are being closed out and temporarily suspended. This was the first year we have even offered wholesale weeks to the public because we were always wary of dealing with people who were not familiar with the wholesale reservation process, but we saw a need and a want for the inventory at better prices so we decided to give it a try. We created a rental agreement that explained the upload terms and also took time with each person prior to person to explain the upload process again either through email or by phone. These people signed the same agreements that you did, were instructed prior to booking about the upload process just like you were, yet they took it upon themselves to cause tremendous problems as they decided they did not like their terms of agreement and started making demands that due to the way automated systems and wholesale weeks work, could not be met. We tried everything to appease them, to remind them of what they signed, yet they decided to take to the internet and post slanderous comments about our rentals and unfortunately their actions did not harm just them it harmed several bookings . We even refunded them in full at their demand thinking that would take care their actions, but it did not and they continued to make things worse. Though their claims were untrue and just posted out of anger because we didn't do as they demanded when they demanded it, they still managed to cause extensive issues with the resort directly, constantly calling and demanding reservation information and posting on public forums things that were not true. While our legal team will be dealing with these issues that have been caused, our contracts will be suspended because of what has been done. It is not fair to you by any means and I am so very sorry that this has happened. We are in the process as of issuing refunds to each of you by the payment method used at booking. When we are able to successfully deal with this issue and have it resolved with both our suppliers and restore our dealings with the resort directly, I would like to offer you a free week stay ( it does not have to be at our Marriott property but can be at any of our luxury properties we offer) as well as a $ 500 compensation spending certificate. I will send those of you who have been patient and have not caused any issues whatsoever instructions on how to claim this free week and free money. I have worked for over 10 years to build a great, reputable, customer loving and customer serving business only to be dealing with this for the past week. I have not even had a chance to go through and check our other properties that are still available ( we offer many properties in Aruba and the Caribbean, not just the Marriott). If you would like me to pull a list of units we have that are not affiliated with the Marriott brand I will be more than happy to do so. But in the meantime and given the circumstances, it is not fair for me to hold your money so it is being refunded. If you receive a credit from the paypal virtual terminal processor it is because the 45 day period has lapsed and we couldn't do a direct credit to your card . All you have to do is call them and let them know where you would like your funds credited, to the card on file or to your bank account. The bank route is sometimes much faster than the credit card credit but they can advise you the fastest way. Should you see something on the list ( if you request one) that interests you, we can issue a new rental agreement and proceed with booking that way . I am so disappointed and so upset there are no words. Again, there are not enough words to apologize and I will work with you once we are through all the issues that these clients have caused to restore your faith in me and my rentals.