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Stay far away from RHR (by Michael J.):

Stay far away from this place, as a guest or business partner!

I have been using this place as a time share for years and as a hotel for times outside of my week. In my opinion stay far away!

In my opinion: I was a member (week holder) at the resort for 30 some odd years..... though much good times and bad - some of it horrible in fact. Over the last 3-5 years I have noticed a substantial decline in the std of the property. The pool and hot tub down so often it's just silly, pealing wallpaper, holes in the ceiling of unit and common places, broken fireplaces, broken ovens, stained bed covers, mold in the shower and tub areas and in some common places, "HORRIBLE INTERNET", and of late some very poor service/comments/and attitude from "some" of the staff. I have been in business for most all of my life, and taught it for the government at one time, and just don't see the logic behind ignoring maintenance, and treating clients poorly. Of late units have also gone up on Hotels and other web sites.... managed by the property, in attempts to help with costs. This is great in principle but being manage very poorly. If a member wants to book time now, or even a week extra , it is very difficult. I wanted a week a number of times, but could not get as someone had booked a day or two on hotels........... soooo now members miss out just to get a day or two. As I said it is a good idea, and should be done, but is being managed very poorly. Don't get me wrong, many that work there are simply great as is the location for me! On leaving we had was last mess....... the pool and tub etc were closed. Apparently this is the std now, making no sense at all - it is closed till 2 on Sundays. Think about this: check out is 11am and check in is 5pm, so very few there to use it during that 6 hr period. Why not do it then instead of when all are there and wanting to use...... just another poor decision. My last visit was such a mess including having to move units due to clerical errors, and treatment so poor from one individual in particular, my family and I have opted so simply walk away from our unit. While there I overheard others doing the same by phone, a s it was time to pay maintenance for the year, and spoke with many other members contemplating the same for the same reasons I have had concerns.This was a very hard decision for me......... and not one take lightly. I did contact management, the board, and the president. They have taken months to respond, did so with a contradictory document and charged us under threat of collections - even though I cancelled in advance of our yearly dues, and did so "with cause" giving proofs as such to the president, board, and management. The president, after ignoring me for months did not properly address our concerns, and his poorly/possibly illegal document and fee, he simply said pay up or face collections. We paid under duress as it takes years to clear your name after such a matter - even if filed unjustly. as such I have now filed an official complaint with the BBB and will be pursuing all legal means to get our unjustly taken funds...... in my opinion we have been bullied, threatened, and treated poorly..... this has very much upset my 78 yr old mother and they just do not seem to care...... I have sent documented proofs to the BBB, I do hope they can assist in the matter. Should any wish to see some of the pathetic communications and threats, feel free to contact me directly

As stated all above is my opinion, so take a chance if you feel daring!