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Original Message:

Have resorts had plans in places for the economy like today ????? (by Wayne C.):

They continue to make money regardless of the economy. They took a dip, but bounced back after the last crash.

They are booming in Mexico, DR, Jamaica and other Caribbean locations. They are building, renovating, and also what many timeshare owners do not realize is that many timeshares may only have 5 or 10 rooms as many of the resorts are owned by separate companies. The timeshares are listed in the exchange company, buy may only have a few rooms. This is why availability is a nightmare.

I recently worked at the Villas Del Palmar in Cancun, and they were selling about $200,000 daily. In the high season, up to $500,000 daily is not uncommon. The economy does not always affect people taking vacations. This is one of the selling points of buying timeshare - prepaid vacations.

I have worked in the timeshare industry for over 15 years as a sales and marketing representative, and then as a director of sales and marketing. I share this in my upcoming book, Everything About Timeshare, Before, During and After the Sale.

For more info, visit my Separate from the Redweek organization.

Best of luck!