Buying, Renting, and Selling Timeshares

My answer to soonn concerning Redweek ...

Jan 18, 2007

The following post was in General Discussion, but I thought it should also be in Buying, Selling and Renting as it pertains to renting:

"jayjay, Redweek staffs control what goes on the testimonial board. Do you think they will post unsatisfied members comments, I do not think so? I read many posts in this forums, and I found many members complaining about they can not rent out their timeshare units for just the cost of the Mfee.



Oh my goodness soonn, I have seen many negative posts here pertaining to Redweek, including yours, but every business, company or corporation has their dissatisfied customers .... that's just part of the territory of owning any business.

I give kudos to Redweek for NOT deleting some of the more negative posts against them .... free speech is alive and well here as it is not on other timeshare discussion sites. On some of those sites you are NOT ALLOWED to question or post anything negative about the site, the moderators, the administrators or the owner, even if you are a paying member. Redweek has been accused of everything from A - Z, but they have not deleted those posts.

It's not Redweek's fault that many of their members list their rentals and sales way too high, and it's not their fault that many members can't rent their timeshares even to reimburse themselves for their maintenance fee. If the rental is not getting any interest, it's certainly not Redweek's fault. Thousands of people search Redweek each and every day for sales and rentals and Redweek has over 1 million members.

Redweek is a listing service, they don't guarantee to sell or rent your timeshare ... that job is up to the member and where they own (location), season, supply and demand, rental rate, popularity of the resort and pertinent information in their ad to catch the eye of a wannabe renter or buyer.

R P.

Last edited by jayjay on Jan 18, 2007 11:17 AM

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