Timeshare Exchanges

i have any questions.

Jan 24, 2019

If you are using an AOL e-mail address for receiving e-mails from RedWeek.com, please note that AOL's spam filters have been mistaking some RedWeek e-mail as spam. This may include inquiries sent to you in response to ads you have posted on the site, responses to questions you have sent to customer service, and alerts to new postings you requested.

To ensure you have received all inquiries sent to you, please check your Message Box on RedWeek.com for stored copies. We may also use the Message Box to re-send bounced communications from customer service, so if you are waiting for an e-mail, please check the Message Box:

If you have an alternative non-AOL e-mail address we HIGHLY recommend using it, as it is likely to be more reliable. AOL's spam filters are not currently sophisticated enough to distinguish between spam and legitimate e-mail that you receive from our site and others. You can change your e-mail address from the Your Profile section of Your Account:

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Kany O.

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