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Mexico Timeshare Solutions...

Did you just stop paying them monthly? What if you took out a credit card for the downpayment? Do you just stop paying that? Wouldn’t that affect your credit score? [Q=ken1193] [Q=nenitab2] I’m that friend that richerd mentioned abive and we are NOT scammmers instead we are scammed by a sweet talking timeshare seller during presentation and we are dumb enough in believing their lies that’s why we are looking ways on how to get out of our contract as there are lots of companies out there promising that they can help.[/Q] There is NO ONE who can magically "get you out of your contract" once the cancellation period (which is 5 days after contract execution in Mexico) has passed. [b]NO ONE[/b]. On the other hand, all you really have to do is turn around, walk away and pay them [b]not another penny[/b]. There is nothing they can or will do to you. You will lose any and all of the money you have paid so far and you will have no future access to the property, but there is still no good reason to send those parasites another penny. Consider just walking away right now and cutting your losses.[/Q]