Report Abuse - 11421

Re: Getting rid of a time share.

The biggest propblem with buying a timeshare, is selling them. They hold no value because of people selling them on e-bay for $1.00 The money lost from buying a timeshare is bigger then taking a new car off the lot. At least someone out there will at least by the car for a minor loss to you. Stayig at a resort, and not a small hotel for a few dollars more a night is a good thing when you have a family. The good thing about timeshare is you can exchange. One year in Orlando, the next at the beach somewhere. The problem with the timeshare market is, you can buy them anywhere, you just can't sell them anywhere. And with so many people willing to give there weeks away for a $1.00, the market will never turn around. Also, it's not considered real estate. If it was, that might help keep some of the value. The funny thing is, when you go to listen to a timeshare speech, they try to show you how much money you have "wasted" by staying in hotels and other places on vacation. They also try to state that timeshares hold there value. I guess when they are not at work selling timeshares for $15,000-25,000, they don't visit e-bay and see what they are selling to us today, is sold for $1.00 only a few years later. By the way, I have a few nice timeshares to sell if anyone is interested... but not for a dollar, but I might take $2.00