Report Abuse - 11507

Re: Getting rid of a time share.

[Q=redbird] The rest of the story. I am the guy that asked the first question, How to get rid of a timeshare. We just returned from our time share in Florida. I went into the office and asked why I should pay a matainance fee of $1,265.00 on a week on a timeshare that I can't give away and I have tried. Or why I should give Sunterra $8,000.00, so they will give me 12000 points and pick up my matainance fees. (This is what they presented at what I was told was to be the owners meeting and not a sales presentation.) In the futurer than my fees will be only just over $1,000.00 for all the points and as all of know I will be able to probley get 4 weeks or more a year use if I convert to points and use them right. I don't want more timeshare time thank you. I have four weeks now. Here is what the manager at my timeshare told me why the need for the huge matainance fees. It seems that 20% of the weeks are not paying and because of the large deficit the people that pay have to bring the books up to date on the units that are not paying. Than when the 20% of the units are payed up and repossesed "Sunterra will take over the title and keep paying the maintainance fees. This sounds like in my opinion that Sunterra will be getting free units to sell more points on. Sunterra is building new units from the ground up just to sell points on and here they are just taking over these weeks after the loyal owners have paid till it hurts to clear the books on the defunct units. This has a funny smell to it. We haved owned these weeks for over 10 years and have always paid on time. Now it is our problem to pick up the deliquesce. I always felt that this resort was poorly managed but than what can one owner of two weeks do 1500 miles away. $1,268 per week in this resort amounts to over $65,000.00 Per unit week. I think you could build them new for that.[/Q] Sounds familiar. Redbird explained the 'repossession problem' the resorts have very well. They only tell you that 20% don't pay, and are eventually repossessed on. They DON'T tell you that they then rent out those units for anywhere from $70-290 PER NIGHT! Now, how many of the 365 nights in a year will it take to make up that maintenance fee!? If you only average renting 2-4 nights per week of each repossessed unit you will cover the yearly assessment for that unit. Maybe if they kept the maintenance fees at a reasonable level the owners would continue to pay, and not let the unit get repossessed!