Report Abuse - 11704

Re: Getting rid of a time share.

[Q=redbird] [Q=jayjay] John, I couldn't have said it better myself. Hey Elsa I'll take your timeshare off your hands for $3500 then turn around and sell it on Redweek or Ebay for $1.00 .... making a huge profit of $3499 minus the cost of listing on Redweek and Ebay. What these kinds of companies do is maike timesharing an even dirtier word than it already is by taking advantage of desperate people. [Q=john1671]Great question Elisa.... What is it about some city sidewalks that brings us three card monte dealers, society must have a need. What is it about some corporations that exports american jobs overseas and devestates whole communities. Those people must have needed time off. What is it about strip mining that leaves permanent scars on the earth's surface? Those trees wanted to go. Your logic that if it exists there must be a logical need is flawed at best. It is just another way to make a fast buck at the expense of the little guy. THAT's why everyone here gets a little emotional. Our upbringings and experiences in timeshare ownership make us cringe every time we see another "innocent" get "taken". Sure they probably conduct themselves within the laws of man, what would God say?[/Q][/Q][/Q] Um, okay. I'm not sure how this suddenly went the religious route but the answer to every question above is either corruption or greed. I'm not quite sure why you're not cringing about the industry sticking it to so many people as much as you are the people who are helping them out of it. It would seem to me, from the difference in opinion expressed here, that there are viable arguments for both cases.