Report Abuse - 11721

Two wrongs don't make a right .....

I agree that there are lies told by timeshare salespeople such as: 1. you can trade this timeshare for anywhere in the world at any time - (false, it depends on your trading power and supply and demand of where you would like to trade into) 2. if you buy this timeshare it will be a wise investment - (false, timeshares are a liability, not an asset, as they depreciate the minute you sign on the dotted line with a developer. 3. you will have no trouble renting and making a profit from your timeshare if you don't use it - (false, depending on the supply and demand of your resort, desireablity of the area and time of year you may not be able to rent your timeshare for even the maintenance fee or at all. The list goes on an on. [b]HOWEVER[/b] two wrongs don't make a right. Just because there are lies told by salespeople concerning timesharing doesn't give anyone else the right to [b]SUCKER[/b] a desperate wannabe seller into enticing them to hand over $3500 to [B]YOU[/B] in order to be rid of it. I really don't get where you're coming from in thinking this is okay. [Q=elsas3]Um, okay. I'm not sure how this suddenly went the religious route but the answer to every question above is either corruption or greed. I'm not quite sure why you're not cringing about the industry sticking it to so many people as much as you are the people who are helping them out of it. It would seem to me, from the difference in opinion expressed here, that there are viable arguments for both cases.[/Q]