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Selling a banked week (by KC):

elizabethg125 wrote:
I have several weeks banked with RCI. How would I go about making these weeks available? Do I still list them under the resort I bought at even though they can be used anywhere and anytime?

Thanks so much for your help.


You CAN'T sell RCI Spacebanked weeks.

You can TRANSFER (for a fee paid to RCI, a fee imposed per individual banked week) Spacebanked weeks to another RCI member with their own RCI account.

My suggestion would be to merely mention in your "week for sale" ad the OPTIONAL availability of some RCI spacebanked weeks for transfer with the sale. However, you should think about who will pay the transfer fee (imposed per week) to RCI. RCI raises its' transaction prices all the time, so I don't know the current fee for transfering Spacebanked weeks. I seem to vaguely recall that it was $79 per week (I could very well be mistaken on the actual figure, but there IS a fee to do so).

I'd suggest not REQUIRING the transfer of the RCI Spacebanked weeks with the sale, since many people these days want nothing at all to do with RCI -- period. Spacebanked weeks being "able to be used anywhere and anytime" is a myth and a joke uder current RCI practices. The best weeks are increasingly unavailable for exchange as RCI gets more and more into the direct rental business, so don't overplay the "exchange potential" of your Spacebanked weeks. It's likely a lot less than you think.

You might also consider just holding on to those Spacebanked weeks yourself, keeping them apart from the sale (which you can do if your RCI membership is current) and TRY to use those weeks yourself (good luck with that).

Hope this helps you.