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Re: Global Access thru Orange Lake Resorts (by Gary B.):

reneew13 wrote:
You can take a weeks timeshare from another resort and convert it to global access points to increase the number that you have in any given year. I have done that once and am in the process of doing it again. I take my Mayan Palace week, call and get a week assigned and deposited to RCI. Then call GA and tell them and they switch it to points giving me enough to trade into OLCC in the spring time which requires more pts than my wk 6 gives me. You can also buy points outright Renee

Good point...but not having paid the several thousand dollars to join GA, I can still use my one week to trade for another...I don't need to have my other timeshares deposited to get enough value. It shouldn't depend on what OL thinks what everyone's week is worth if the owner's want to trade. Unlike GA members, with week's the owners have the option to trade straight across. I can see no reason to pay several thousand dollars to give up my option to trade weeks...and always end up with extra unused points....that is unless I pay even more money to RCI (or OL) to keep the unused point until the next year. Joining GA gives you one spend more money buying more points to get a week OL thinks is more valuable... ( I bought a 'red' week from OL and was told the wekes were all the same value..'red'. Only when they discovered they could make some more money from existing owners did OL come out with GA) ( other time share only charges $20.00 for internal trades...OL wants over $100.00 for the same doing the same thing...hmmmm)