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Original Message:

Re: Has anyone ever been scammed using redweek? (by Tracey S.):

Redweek isn't selling it. It's a listing site. My experience is more for listing rentals than units for sale. It's a tough market for both sales and rentals but especially tough for sales. What was your view category and what was the price point? Also was it Deluxe. Deluxe Island view are going to be the hardest to sell. The MF is higher but you don't get any additional SO's and it is the lowest view category. You might want to contact a broker who specializes in high end Hawaii. They only take a commission when they sell (no upfront) and they may be able to get a slightly higher price than you can get on your own. Most timeshares are worth less than $5000 so Brokers who typically take a minimum of $2000-$3000 per sale aren't worth it but Hilton, Marriott and Westins in Hawaii are some of the exceptions. This is one that gets positive recommendations from the timeshare users group=

But even so you can see how many are listed and the prices offered.