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Original Message:

Re: madison south timeshares (by Lance C.):

delr6 wrote:
I have an offer that is too good to be true, so what's the catch?

They will get you paralyzed with excitement to stop you from thinking rationally. Then, while you're totally salivating at the big payday they promise you, they will tell you that you just need to pay some sort of tax or fee to close the deal. The tax or fee might sound reasonable but it is totally bogus.

If there is any tax or fee to be paid, it would come out of the proceeds of the sale. These scam artists will tell you that the fee must be paid first, and by you, before the sale can be completed and before they can send you the check.

So now, it is their hope that you are thinking, "Sure. Whatever it takes to get this sale completed and that check to me. If it takes me paying this tax/fee, then so be it. I'm not letting this relatively little tax get in the way of completing this sale." Next thing you know, the about-to-be victim of this scam is asking the scam artist where to send the money.