Playa Grande Resort

Check in times are Saturday/Sunday !

Feb 08, 2007

As a time share owners ,is it possible to change start days permanently or on a temporary basis? What happens if your not able to check in on your designated day?

Bill L.
Mar 04, 2007

Each building has a specific check in and check out day. If your check in day is Saturday and you can't check in until Sunday then you lose a day of your week. If your check out day is Saturday and you want to stay until Sunday then you would have to pay the per day price for the room, however, more than likely you will have to move to a different room as someone else may be checking into that room. If you want to permanently change the day I would ask at the resort about switching rooms to a building with the day that you want.

Marcia B.

Last edited by marciab24 on Mar 04, 2007 09:20 AM

Jul 12, 2007

So we are checking in on Sundaym July 15th. Can you tell me what building I will be in?

Judy V.
Jul 16, 2007

Whoops, I'm too late to answer your question. However, for anyone else who is interested, the people who own timeshares at playa grande have their own website and it has the building check-in and weeks posted on the website.

Donna W.

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