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Re: deeded or right to use?

I didn't pay all that much for my timeshare. It was one of those situations where they came out from behind Door #2 and have a membership for sale that has been "renegged" on. I honestly don't care what I sell it for. I just am in the position where I can't go anymore so I'd like to try selling it. It's paid for. I just pay $225 maintenance fee every other year. No big deal. If I can't sell it, I'll keep it for that price. Just wondering how you go about selling something that isn't tangibly yours (like a house, a boat, a car.) If I find someone who is interested in buying it for, say, $3,000, can't I just contact the resort and have them take my name off it and put in someone else's name? That's what they claim you can do if you "will" it on. I don't see how there can be a closing and all of that. Any info would be appreciated.