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Timeshare Sales pitch borderlines on abuse!

Timeshare sales pitches are some of the longest a consumer might encounter. In my opinion they borderline on abuse. I know the consumer is not being physically detained, however, it is harmful. 1) Many timeshare sales presentations last a full day which can be not only physically draining but also mentally draining and studies show that this can cause poor choices to be made. 2) Many times, these extremely long sales pitches are not even providing necessary disclosure that help consumers make informed decision. If salespeople cannot be honest, do not waste a full day spewing untruths. If there is a Non-Reliance Clause in the Timeshare contract this allows a sale agent to lie without consequence and perpetuates asymmetric information or "information failure,” and creates an imbalance of power and bounded rationality. Bounded rationality are limitations that include the difficulty of the problem requiring a decision, the cognitive capability of the mind, and the time available to make the decision. Decision-makers, which is the consumer, end up settling for a satisfactory solution, rather than an optimal solution. Therefore, consumers do not initiate a full cost-benefit analysis to determine the optimal decision, but rather, choose an option that fulfils their adequacy criteria. How is a consumer able to make an informed decision if they are not given full disclosure?