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Re: first time renting our timeshare

Re: >> markm284 asked, in pertinent part, >> what suggestions does anyone have for the first time we rent our timeshare? << First, understand very clearly that YOU (not the person(s) to whom you rent) will be responsible for any damage caused by the renters in your unit during your week. Not a pleasant thought, but understand and accept that as a reality. Some resorts might require a non-owner to pay a deposit, but undiscovered damage after that depost has been returned will fall on YOU. Second, obtain and execute a lease agreement. There are several timeshare related sites (maybe including RedWeek -- I'm too new here to know for sure) where a lease form can be downloaded for short money. With this agreement, it is clearly specified exactly what is rented, exactly to whom, for how much, terms of payment, etc. etc. Re: >> Who should we use Paypal? Pitfalls? << I have no use whatsoever for Pay Pal, personally, but others may have a different point of view. As far as I can see, PayPal offers little more than a secure (and virtually anonymous) means by which the recipient gets guaranteed funds via someone else's credit card. O.K., so funds are sent of by the renter to some unknown PayPal account holder. How does that protect the sender (renter) in any meaningful way? Little if at all, it seems to me. In the few times I've (reluctantly) rented out my weeks, I've insisted on a signed lease agreement and significant deposit well in advance --- I ask for 50%. Once you have some communication resulting in a written agreement with a real person who has provided a verifiable name, address, telephone number and deposit, and you in turn are forthright about identifying the rental right down to the unit number, then (and only then, in my opinion) can you even BEGIN to be even a little bit comfortable that you are BOTH participants in a legitimate transaction with real people (not scammers) and all involved are acting in good faith. It's a dicey proposition at it's best. Think long and hard whether or not you might be better off "Spacebanking" the time for your own later use, if financially that is a viable option for you. Good luck.