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Re: Possible problem with rental

[Q=jons29] I tend to agree with Carries25. Not sure I would go with an attorney, simply due to cost. You only paid a deposit, so not worth the trouble with an attorney. However, the Lien suggestion is worth while. I believe you need to file in State & County where the Unit is located. Small filing fee, usually under $50. Call the Recorder or Clerks office in that County for info on their procedures. Send copy of Lien to Resort and to the Estate of the deceased individual, Certified. Also, Carries25 is correct about the estate. It exists and you should not accept someone's word that it has no value. Also, there are remedy's in Sm. Claims Court, depending on location. And.....if your husband can't hit the correct "button" on a financial transaction, then you should take his password away.[/Q] Actually, choosing your funding source at PayPal is more than a click. First, you have to enter the source on a separate screen. Then you click on which of the choices you yourself have entered. Your choice is displayed for your approval at least one screen before you make the payment final. Even so, if you make an error, you can e-mail PayPal right away to have the payment source changed. It's irritating and frustrating, but doable. Although there are those who don't like PayPal, I love it. When a transaction went south for me, and I had 60 days to report it, they got my money back. Paypal gives and PayPal takes, and it goes both ways. Their terms are on their site, in clear declarative sentences. Government employees--filing liens, small claims, and other legal actions--are very helpful. But you have to be upfront and clear with them. They've seen it all before. O.