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Re: Interested But Ignorant - Need Help

Rashada; I agree that depending on the resort (I mean which company owns it - Marriott, Hilton, Hyatt, etc.) you should be able to book consecutive weeks. We own at a Marriott resort, and once you purchase in a 'season', you can book all your weeks for the same week (perhaps for a family reunion) or for consecutive weeks. At Marriott, you can book up to a year in advance of the dates you want to go, and if you are an owner of multiple weeks at the resort, you can book 13 months in advance. I'd think the biggest problem would be in picking up enough resale weeks in the chosen resort in the same season and also in the same locale (for instance my resort has gardenside, oceanside and oceanfront locales). So if I owned one oceanfront week, and three gardenview weeks, maybe I could downgrade to 4 gardenview weeks when booking, but I certainly couldn't get four oceanfront weeks. Or, as Jayjay said, maybe you wouldn't mind moving from condo to condo each week within the same resort - I certainly would but everyone is different. First though as others said, you need to pinpoint where you want to be, and in particular, which specific resort you want. Good luck!