Report Abuse - 186693

Re: Re: Palace Elite

[Q=kimberlyl411] I am going through the same thing. I signed on a Thursday and attempted to cancel on a Wednesday. It took weeks to get back to me and they said they could not cancel.....I went back and forth with my CC company and I eventually got my money back. I had no heard from them for a few months and now they are bugging again saying "Your account is inactive, not cancelled, your membership will keep adding surcharges after a period of time, if we don't receive any response, your contract will be sent to collections. Has anyone here been sent to collections? [/Q] Could you add a few more details please? When and where did you sign the contract? All you said is that it was on a Thursday. Which Thursday? Also, just calling the credit card company and reversing the charges doesn't necessarily rescind your purchase. To rescind, you have to send a rescission letter via certified mail to the address that was given to you in the owner's package within the time frame that the local law stipulates. So it's important to know where you signed the contract. As for being sent to collections, yes, some have been sent to collections but for the most part, those are just bark and no bite.