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Re: Re: Re: Re: Palace Elite

[Q=kimberlyl411]However on the 5th day (after signing) I sent an email indicating I wanted to rescind... Juan emailed me this week stating for me to contact him, that he had a few options that we could work something out. I have not responded, I just don't know what to do at this point.[/Q] The rescission instructions likely told you to end a letter via certified mail stating that you want to rescind. That's why we tell people here to follow your rescission instructions carefully. As for "Juan" who encouraged you to "contact him, that he had a few options that we could work something out", the options were likely for you to modify but keep the sale. Depending on how much you have already paid, your best option might just be to stop paying any more into this but you would lose all the money you have paid into this.