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Re: Re: Palace Elite

[Q=sarithab] WE.....signed the membership (on June 6th 2023 ) ......on June 8th I emailed them ( a request to cancel the membership and no response from them. .....sales representative and we asked him and he is saying we can’t cancel the membership? .......They don’t have any clause about cancellation in the contract. We are USA citizens.[/Q] If you signed it on June 6th, then today is your last day to rescind. You have five days to do so after signing the contract. The instructions for rescinding should be in the package you received. Also, it should tell you to send in a letter to a particular address and not to e-mail it. As for the sales representative, he probably told you a pack of other lies in order to get you to sign the contract. Telling you that you can't rescind (cancel) your purchase is just another lie. You have the right to rescind your purchase within 5 days of signing. Reread your contract carefully telling you what you must do to rescind.