Report Abuse

Address of libel

Dear Customers, It has recently come to our attention that a former business partner is reporting libel about our company and our sales methods. We would like to formally advice you that we believe Gary Manning from Gray, Tennessee, intention is to damage our companies reputation. His stories are entirely one sided and slanted. If you have found this post then you have also found Gary's' other posts, and you might have noticed that he is 95% of any complaints. Gary was not a customer of ours nor does he realize the dedication we have to our customers. Gary is upset of his misfortune and blames our company. We are working with a very experienced law firm that specializes in internet defamation, libel, and extortion. We have been advised we have a strong case. We understand that in order to attract timeshare buyers and renters to our inventory we must protect our reputation. We have over 1,100 networked brokers that have access to our inventory and that number grows every week. We have posted a discredit of Gary to some of the reports, and, as you will see, he is no consumer advocate. Wherever Gary has posted on the internet we have followed and have noticed he is one of very few posting a negative experience in regards to our company. To date we have not lost the trust of one advertising and marketing agreement with our clients, and we plan to keep it that way. As you are aware, we protect our customers with a recorded verification that describes exactly what our program entails. If you have any questions in regards to the listed reports please contact our Customer Service department: Customer Service Department 321-251-4607 Option 1 M-T 10-6 EST F 9-5 EST Thank you, The Timeshare MLS Staff