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Re: resale scam

Fair question about the name being registered Edmonal. As far as my name being registered I am not famous or newsworthy and I'm certainly not going through the expense to trademark my name just for the heck of it. It boggled my mind why Jon Warren of CHL Marketing would register it as well. There wouldn't be any reason other than at some point his wanting to be vendictive with some anti gary site. That's just a speculation on my part. I did have registered about 5 years ago but let the registration expire since I had no intentions of doing anything with it. To answer your question as to why Jon Warren did it you will need to call him at his office 1 (877) 349-3440 and ask him yourself. At first Jon had it registered in his name and as was pointed out to me by someone that use to work with his company he used his home address. After checking again Jon has changed this registration to a proxy registration company. As far as you asking me what my problem is with this company all you have to do is read this entire thread and that will pretty much cover all the questions you asked. Thanks for the questions. Happy to answer any.