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Re: resale scam

I have been informed that CHL Marketing, Inc. (,, has contacted the Florida Attorney General's Office in Orlando and requested all documents the AG's office has on them. Apparently under the Freedom of Information Act a company can do this and receive it in certain circumstances. Although any company can do this I doubt most legitimate companies do this as a normal course of doing business. I submit only a company that is concerned about what information the AG may have on them will do this. Now CHL Marketing may respond that (in their words) I am conducting a one man "libel and slander" campaign against them that they merely want to see what false and "slanderous" material I may have sent to the Florida AG. They may contend they have nothing to worry about but wanted to see what the AG had anyway. Maybe they might even say they are researching for their "pending" legal action against me. If they weren't an advance fee timeshare resale company maybe one could possibly believe this. However, to pre-address their response to this or another "discredit" of me or "pending" statement or whatever they may offer up I just want to say, I would be crazy to send anything to the Florida AG or any other AG's office if it weren't completely backed up with proof--if in fact I did present the AG with anything. Legald and the staff is aware of what I may or may not presented to the AG so there's no fresh news here in regards to that. Maybe it's just me being cynical but if they weren't concerned about what possibly could be out there on them then they wouldn't be all that concerned with the AG. When you operate "in the gray area" of doing business as one highly ranking member of the staff once told me then you always gotta have that gut feeling something's out there just waiting to pop up. This is the same guy that said and I paraphrase " it's not good for a sales rep to have too much integrity when selling our services..........the reps need to ask themselves, would they rather have integrity or would they rather have money". That speaks volumes for the company and the industry.