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Re: New to Bluegreen...Any insight??

[Q=georget81] MD, Good EYE!!! it actually was supposed to be an 11 not 1. Thanks... Being an owner of a gold crown resort as well as Bluegreen have you looked into the AIM program to receive more BG PTS. Just wondering George[/Q] =========== We have heard of AIM. I believe this is like the PIC program with Wyndham. George, Can you tell me whether a BG owner can only convert a non-BG resort to BG points if it has been named on his BG contract? Or may we give BG any week we own elsewhere in exchange for BG points? How far ahead of check in must one deposit the AIM week? Can a resale owner use AIM with no direct BG purchase? With Wyndham, a PIC is a contract which is available only when you make a Wyndham purchase but is separate from the purchase. It applies to a particular non-Wyndham resort and the points it is worth are stated up front. There used to be no limit to the number of PICs as long as each was paired with a new FF/Wyndham contract, so folks bought resales and magically turned them into Fairfield/Wyndham points. I believe there is now a limit of two.) For the benefit of those reading this who have no clue what AIM and PIC are: These programs allow an owner the OPTION of converting one owned resort unit into the points of another resort group for a year at a time. It operates much like an exchange company deposit, but is much cheaper and, of course, limits you to the resort group you exchange into. Everything we ourselves own CAN be PICed into Wyndham points, but we have rarely done this. There are some annual fees to have a PIC contract. I don't think there are with Bluegreen's AIM. George? Can you confirm or deny that?? MD