Report Abuse - 24974

Re: The Land'Or Rip off

[Q=ganeshs2] last summer my wife and i were spending a few days in the bahamas and as a favor to one of the hotel employees were visited Land'or Club. two representatives there discussed with us the beauty of buying time share in Club Land'or and my wife and I went for it. But here is the problem. they were not quite forthcoming in their disclosures. we were led to believe that we can vacation anywhere in the world once we were members. that was one falsehood. the other thing they did not tell you is that you have to pay a fee for almost EVERYTHING. Everytime you turn around it seems you have to pay a fee. My advice is DO NOT sign a time share before you have your lawyer look it over and explain what it means. we did not do that and now we have a problem with Land'or. We have refused to pay anymore bcause we have not received ANYTHING of value from Land'or. Now they are threatening to take us to court because we signed that damn contract.[/Q] You are right about one thing: "DO NOT sign a time share before you have your lawyer look it over and explain what it means." Unfortunately, that stands true for ANYTHING...any time you sign a contract you need to look it over. Now, I know that with your exchange membership you can travel to different parts of the world by banking your week, but yes, there are fees. They are under no legal obligation to notify you of this verbally--in fact, it probably is written in your contract that any verbal communications are null and void unless also specified in your written contract!! More than likely , you probably have no grounds for legal action... but I am sorry for your situation. You say you don't care about your credit, but this will absolutely RUIN it. If you have any intention of buying a home, financing a car, or ANYTHING, this will screw you over for the rest of your life. A timeshare is best purchased if you are looking to go to the same place every year. You purchased a vacation, and you might as well use it until it is paid off and you can sell it. OR rent it out each year. I know it is a popular rental. best of luck to you--but as someone who is re-building her credit--Its a long difficult road, and it's not worth it to let this forclose!!