Report Abuse - 26264

The Land'Or Rip off

Thank you for getting me out of Club Land 'or. To the best of my recollection I have had special assessments every other year since 2000. My maintainance fee that started at $180 is now $900 and growing at 8% a year. You are right about one thing though. I did not read the entire contract thoroughly. I was young and naive. There is no way I would have signed that contract that can change at their whim and have those changes imposed on you. For that very reason I will never buy a time share again. You can always rent these very same timeshares through red-week or RCI with no obligation to pay special assessments, almost at the cost of the maintainance fees. Please enjoy Club Land'or if you like it so much. The contract cost me $20,000 plus about $10,000 maintainance fee and special assessments. Had I invested that money in a mutual fund assuming a 10% return, which is not unrealistic, I could still have had my money and the vacation in better places than Land"or. Good luck with my contract that you own. If my calculations are correct, you will wind up paying $25,000 to $30,000 in maintainance fee and special assessments over the next 19 years. That is the low end of my estimate. I was honest and upfront with you. I am elated that I never again have to deal with Land'Or International. Sincerely, Vinod