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Re: Dont let them cheat/deceive you

[Q=valeriea6] [Q=guest530] This is a very very immoral, and probably illegal way to sell timeshares and I can't believe I got taken in. I echo all the sentiments of those above. They promised they would sell a time share I wanted to get rid of for enough to pay for this time share. They promised that I would easily rent/resell weeks I did not want to use which has not been true. I paid $500.00 to a reseller to resell the other time share they said that they could easily sell and I never heard from them again. I paid a rediculous price of $18,000 for a 1 bedroom every other year. If you go to, you will see many of these week for sale one as low as $600.00. Read em a weap folks![/Q] I am contacting people that have been misled by Club Velas. If you are interested in learning about what we are doing to try to have some $ refunded, email me at I will be contacting anyone who has replied to this forum, or who has Club Velas weeks listed for sale or rent. There will be strength in numbers and the resort will not want bad publicity. Thanks.[/Q]