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Timeshare Donation...

Mike's input above is exactly correct. Elaborating a bit further, the decision on whether or not Donate for a Cause accepts a timeshare offer is actually made on their behalf by Resort Closings, Inc. of Bozeman, Montana. Resort Closings, Inc. rejects far more offers than they accept and, in the current economic climate, I'm sure that's even more so. Keep in mind that a charity only wants a timeshare which they believe they can turn around quickly for some cash for their cause. They don't just want to take an albatross timeshare from around someone's neck, just to place it around their own neck instead. It's cash they want --- not timeshare ownerships. In the Florida Veteran's Assistance operation, *IF* they will accept your offer, you will still have to pay them about $450 "out of pocket" toward the administrative/ closing/ recording fees. If they'll take it and you really want to be rid of it, that may be money well spent...