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Re: Will rci points work for us?

Thanks jayjay, we will be buying resale fore sure. Mike, wow thanks for all the input. I have been to the rci website and I am pretty sure we want somewhere between 40 and 60 k, I was considering EOY aswell, since that might just free us up to step out of RCI on occasion and do our own thing. I have researched alot in trip advisor so I have an idea of what points get what level of resort/accomodations ect. I really am looking for input on how easy it is to get into Vegas, Mexico, Dominican at say the 6 month to 3 month window, anything else if it's really specific I know I will need to be on it a year or more in advance. I was considering EBAY, Grandview las vegas rci points since we kinda like the off the strip location and it's sorta within driving range of us if we ever had to give up on RCI like I have seen alot do. Since the maintenance fees are pretty low, I know they will climb and probably quite rapidly but atleast they are starting pretty low. I guess I fear being stuck and never ever being able to get rid of the timeshare 15 -20 years from now when we may not want to travel as much. I have to say I feel very skeptical about that whole rci 3yr right to use thing to be honest. Instinct tells me to avoid it, if that makes sense. I may be wrong. Thanks for you input, its greatly appreciated.