Report Abuse

Re: Dont let them cheat/deceive you

Hopefully there are people thinking of buying at other locations that are reading this thread! We have a week at (what we have in the past considered a top rate location) Playa Grande in Cabo San Lucas, but they have adopted similar sales practices. They are also adding the sale of units they don't have available, then switching the purchasers to like kind in another of their developments. But we went through the "We'll purchase your weeks" routine with them and Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach. Both of which refer you to a third party seller that has no connection to the sales resort. After reading through the comments here (again, and again), all I can say is, "If is isn't in writing, don't believe it!" The sales people can, and will, say anything to get their commission - period. The resort won't be bound by what they say, explaining that the contract rules. I read about the compliments of PROFECO, but if PROFECO were really effective, the abuses would stop. This thread is but a very small representation of un-informed purchasers/suckers out there that go out of country to buy their timeshares. By buying out of country, you have next to zero leverage, brick walls in between you and any support services to get the matter corrected. If it isn't in writing, don't sign, say no, leave the place with your money! DON'T assume you can straighten it out when you get home! And even if it is in writing, be VERY literal about what the documents say. If the representative tells you how it works, and the language doesn't specifically state what is going to happen, figure it won't. MAKE them write the contract the way YOU want it, not their way. Specific wording, if needed to cover your situation, should be in the contract. If it isn't - DON'T SIGN!!! Even more important, look the paperwork over in the quiet of your room, overnight or a couple of days, BEFORE signing! If they won't let you take it to review, there is something crooked. If they don't want you to leave to think about it, they are afraid they will lose the sale. For THOUSANDS of dollars, you would have a professional not related to the transaction review it, why not here? Contact a Notario Publico (attorney) in the area and have them review the contract or don't sign/pay anything. Why, when we go on vacation, do we leave all our common sense at home? We improperly assume that all countries have consumer protection laws ours has, and when it comes to South America, we are wrong! Good luck if you are trying to get your money back, you might consider stopping your losses by not paying annual fees and letting the property default. Consider that 60% of the purchase price went to 'selling costs' and that might be part of the reason they don't want to give the money back. The resort has already paid out those expenses to sales people, vendors, and incentives to you.