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Re: Dont let them cheat/deceive you

Update to the below message: About two weeks after I posted my earlier message, we received a full refund to our credit card. I'll tell you that we breathed a huge sigh of relief! Now, as I said earlier we sent numerous letters in the said amount of time to cancel. We still had to pay $1000.00 US in interest but we are glad we didn't get stuck in the same situation as many others have. Jane [Q=jane1163] I was wondering how long it took for you to receive your refund as my husband (who is a lawyer) and I wrote a letter 3 days after the presentation to cancel. We sent it to all appropriate contacts in the company by certified mail, email, hand delivered ( We did not copy it to Profeco, though) and we have yet to receive any reimbusement. We are out $19,000.00 CAD right now and I want my money back![/Q]