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Re: Dont let them cheat/deceive you

<<<<<<<<I guess it's all about your perspective. We bought our two bedroom week about five years ago on the secondary market for about $4k from someone who was dumb enough to pay $24k. Yes the annual fees are high but where you going to go for less? We don't do all inclusive because you don't have to. (Just say no) Instead we go out and enjoy the night life and various restaurants we have frequented over the years. We use our week every December and have great time because we don't allow them to make us patsies. We know how to say no. Johnnie Noe and his vipers at Velas can only take advantage of people who allow it. If you open your wallet in Mexico someone will take advantage of the opportunity you present to them. As to the $4k we put into this, we have probably gotten it back and then some. How? By playing their game. Every year we "let ourselves get talked into going" to a couple of timeshare presentations and receive between $350 & $400 cash (x2) prior to listening to the pitch. When their 90 minutes is up we tell them it's over and head to the door. We keep our wallets closed and just say nooooo. We use their money (or is it your money) to go fishing, jungle excursions or sailing. Well be there again this December having a great time. >>>>>>>>>> Nine months ago I wrote the above comments on the this blog. We did go again in December and Velas handled our sons wedding out on the beach and they did a great job and at a fraction on the costs here in the States. We also went on one time share presentation which gave us transportion, breakfast, $500 cash and two bottles of tequila. I'm amazed that after all this time people on this blog stay in victim mode instead of getting on the right side of this trade. Velas called last week because we hadn't paid the dues so we asked for a discount and got it. So were already booked and ready to do it again this December. I'll be thinking about you all as I lay in the sun sipping a Pacifico and thinking how bad you all think this place is. Nothing has changed, it's all in your perspective. You can live in victim mode or work the system to your advantage.