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Re: Dont let them cheat/deceive you

Wow they should really give you a job!! your just as good as a bullshitter as them!! my husband and I also tried "working the system" we had timshare in orlando that we loved and never had a problem with! we bought under correct sales representation and have never had any complaints. So when we went to this one just to do the tours and say no which we have done in the past we were told another story. Oh but you can use this one as an investment! the sales men said!! he looked us dead in the eye and swore on his families life that we would make money! i assured him i could not afford it and we already had debt and we are trying to make a nice life for our daughter. he said worst case scenario you make back what you put in! you should be ashamed of yourself your just as sick as them!! You seem so pleased that you are conning them back! good I hope you enjoy your drinks there too because I would rather be the good person then the one who just joins in!! the good thing about god is that you will always have whats coming to you! I have talked to other families and heard waaay worse stories then ours. a DECENT human beings heart would go out to them and not parade around like some jerk off to the people who have experiance extreme hardship!