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Re: Diamond Club Points and Elite Membership Versus Unit Ownership

I read through many of these and find an interesting trend for hatred of DRI and their foul business practices. I call it legal extortion and the beauty is people pay them to good money to hold their deed in an irrevocable trust. PEOPLE your DEED is the only value in a time share (besides of course using it for vacation). DRI has $crewed over its members there too. I can get KBC my home resort on expedia or orbits for less than I pay in maintenance fees for my week. explain the benifit of owning a TS if I can get the same resort from any online discount dealer. Here is how I see it (in a nut shell); 10-15k upfront on a mortgage @9%+ APR 1,000+ /yr over 25 years (avg vacation lifetime) works out to 36k-40k Now simply divide what ever your number is in your situation by your number of vacation years 40k/25 years=@$1600.00 for each week owned or 1600/7=$228.57/night now check it on line for yourself where can you get decent lodging for 228.57 a night and not pay 25 years in advance. Did that take 90 minutes? Simple. Concerned Vacation Owner