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May Newsletter Q&A: Second Market Timeshare Owners 'Caught' By RCI

WOW. This discussion has gotten heated! First of all, I do not believe that timeshare resorts or timeshare salespersons are crooks, except in rare cases, having nothing to do with sales. Secondly, as I've said before, timeshare is not for everyone. Thirdly, while it is true that many years ago, it was feasible for the average person to save money on vacations by puchasing a timeshare from the developer, it is not so much the case any longer. However, it is not all about saving money now, is it? You can always find cheaper alternatives to just about anything. Four, I think that education is vital to making a sound purchase when it comes to timeshare. There are a lot of alternatives and choices out there, and most consumers, with little or no timeshare experience are confused. Lastly, it holds true for so called "new" timeshares as well as so called "used" timeshares...if you don't see the value, can't afford it, or won't use it, then don't buy it. For those of you who do see the value, can afford it and will use it however, timeshares still remain one of the best ways to travel. Buying on the secondary market offers the best of all world in my opinion.