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New Discussion Forums Launched

Welcome to's new discussion forums! We are excited to offer you this new outlet for dynamic discussions about timeshare and travel topics! Here's how it works: forums pertaining to general topics can be found on the main forums page at: [l][/l]. Each resort also has its own discussion forum, which you can find from the resort's page - just [L=]browse or search[/L] for it, and then click the "view discussion forum" link. Anyone can read the forums without having a account. To create a topic or post a reply, you just need to be registered with at least our [L=]free guest account[/L]. Please don't use the forums to bypass other services - ads aren't allowed. If you want to post your timeshare rental, resale, or exchange, please [L=]add a posting[/L] directly to the resort's page. We hope you enjoy connecting with other travelers and timeshare owners! We're looking forward to hearing from you. Kylie