Report Abuse - 62645

Re: Getting rid of a time share.

It's simple. I am the owner. I have a right to sell. The Manhattan Club said they would "put me on a waiting list." That was their way of postponing my sale for -- who knows how long. I was so disgusted I contacted an attorney. I am not sure what my attorney said, or on what basis the buy-back was done. But, all I can tell you is that in a matter of four weeks, my attorney got me out, much to my relief. If you want my attorney's name, feel free to e-mail me at [Q=jayjay] [Q=johna916] I just got out of my timeshare after trying, without success. on my own. It was a very difficult property to work with -- The Manhattan Club in New York. The attorney I found was great, and I am out forever! If anyone would like my attorney's contact information, feel free to contact me: I'd be happy to supply it.[/Q] Please explain how an attorney magically got you out of your timeshare ownership at the Manhattan Club unless fraud was involved ?????[/Q]