Report Abuse - 66536

Re: Diamond Resorts enormously increases the cost of Maintenance/Reserves on their resorts.

[Q=johnb2353] Unfortunately, timeshares have been vastly oversold and the value of them has dropped to almost nothing. But, the maintenance fees keep rising. I recently hired an attorney who got me out of my timeshare ownership when I realized I was on a sinking ship. It's just higher and higher maintenance fees and harder access to properties, because they have been oversold. Anyone wanting my attorney's name, feel free to e-mail me at I will be happy to pass my attorney's name along. My deal is done, I am out, and no more massive annual fees.[/Q] John, I have a couple of questions about your comment: 1. Is there a correlation to over selling a timeshare and an increase in maintenance fees? I am just not making the connection. 2. What was the legal basis for cancelling your contract/ownership with Diamond? Thanks, Dan Bowman