Report Abuse - 66561

Re: Diamond Resorts enormously increases the cost of Maintenance/Reserves on their resorts.

[Q=davidl712] John, If you had been with Diamond, you probably wouldn't have gotten out! We own with DRI and also a development which is run by the board of directors through a manager whom they hired and a staff which is directed by the manager. It is a COMPLETELY different world. The operation exists to provide service and comfort to a self-sufficient resort and its clientele, NOT to create enormous profits for a management company intent on crushing customers under their boots. Time share isn't bad. Greedy management companies give it a bad name.[/Q] David, The management company is there to sell the time shares, manage the operation and maintain the property for the benefit of the owners. They do not make money off the maintenance fees. I personally want the management company to keep my timeshare properties in good condition and not let them get run down like many properties are. No, I don't like increases in maintenance fees anymore than anyone else but I do want my property to remain in good condition. I think the main issue with maintenance fees is that owners don't take an interest in the Board of Directors and fail to run for the board and fail to vote.