Report Abuse - 67527

Re: Mystic Dunes now managed by Diamond Resorts

I agree, this is getting out of hand. I think it's a strong arm tactic to make you want to go points, (which I have not and will not). 15% increase in the last two years, what are we to expect, 15% year over year, this is becoming unbearable. 2B2B LO that I have owned free and clear for 13+ years, don’t ever use at the home resort, (purchased when I lived in NY, now that I live 30 min from the resort it’s kind of meaningless), and have so much difficulty in exchanges, (which of course increases the overall spend on your ‘vacation’ every year, adding II, exchange fees, etc.)… this is how my maintenance looks to this point from 2007: 2007 699.00 2008 742.99 6% 2009 774.68 4% 2010 811.84 5% 2011 884.20 9% 2012 1016.79 15% 2013 1168.27 15% If we assume 15% every year, doubt they can keep this up but maybe the way this industry works you never know… 2014 1343.51 2015 1545.04 2016 1776.79 Can’t sell it, can’t give it away, (have tried – will try again), can’t just walk away without an ugly financial suit or bankruptcy, just useless. I’m going to talk to a lawyer just to see if there are any possible scenarios that can apply that I have not thought of but I already know there are not. Just plain disgusted, feel trapped and extorted.