Report Abuse - 68007

Do not attend any timeshare offer for Myan Palace Vida company

My husband and I were promised a ninety minute presentation, in exchange we were to receive a refund of our airport transportation and an excursion of our choosing. We were honest with the salesman Sean Fallon right from the beginning and told him we were not interested in buying at this time, but expected to do so within the next two years. We tried repeatedly after two hours to end our tour and leave with our promised gifts. We finally had to just state we were leaving at which point Sean became verbally abusive and told us to sit where we were while he got someone to deal with us. We finally left after 3 hours with our promised gifts. I will purchase a time share but never from this company!! We asked for a number or address to lodge a formal complaint but were told that did there was no formal agency to complain to.