Report Abuse - 90350

Re: Listing of Timeshare Weeks Available for Rent

Colin - With more and more users accessing our site from small mobile devices, we have had to change the way our resort pages are set up. Many resorts have a large number of postings, so in order to limit the number of postings displayed and expedite the page loading, we now show the postings in the order they have been added on the initial screen, with the newest posting at the top of the list. As each new posting is purchased, an older posting will fall off the list of postings that are immediately seen. This way, every member who purchases a posting for a resort with a large number of rentals or resales will have an opportunity to be seen at the top of the resort page. You purchased your posting on May 16 and since that time 10 postings have been purchased, which is why your posting is no longer seen until you click the "View More" button. If you have further questions, please feel free to [url=]Contact Us[/url].