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cancellation policy

anner237 - If you are renting a posting that has RedWeek payment protection, then the rental agreement states: "If Renter cancels at least 60 days prior to check-in, 50% of the total rental amount will be paid to the owner as a cancellation penalty, less agreed-upon fees. For cancellations less than 60 days prior to check-in, the penalty is 100% less fees." If you are renting from an individual owner not using RedWeek payment protection, then you would need to ask the owner what their cancellation policy is. The owner has already paid for the week with their maintenance fees, so once they have rented the week, they remove their posting from the website and lose other opportunities to rent it. Many times there is no cancellation, but you would need to check with the individual owner to verify. You should make sure there is a rental agreement that specifies what happens if you cancel. You may also want to check out purchasing travel insurance.