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Are there any All Inclusive timeshare rentals in Maui?

[Q=dixier5]Hi, we loved the Cabo timeshares with all inclusive butu this winter we wish to go to Maui Hawaii. Is there anything comparable?[/Q] Have you checked with a local travel agent? If AI is available at various places in Maui, the agent might have some packages to sell you. Another thing you can try is to go to RCI's website and look at the details/information of the timeshares listed there for Maui. The details will usually say if a particular resort is mandatory AI or optional AI. If it says neither, then chances are that AI is not offered at that particular resort. As for the one you went to in Cabo, did you rent a timeshare from someone then have to pay the resort the AI fee? Or did you just simply buy an AI package from a travel agency that had AI with the purchase (and the accommodations just happened to be at a timeshare resort)?