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what are the results of this court proceeding?

[Q=chrisv126] december 12 has come and gone. what are the results of this all-important court date for mr tucker.? why hasn't ANY information been published here on is it an oversight? was the court date changed? was the court proceeding halted/postponed? we need to know, NOW, the entire disposition and conclusion of this court proceeding. Last edit by chrisv126 on Dec 13, 2018 04:02 PM.[/Q] Chris: Tone matters. Red week has no RESPONSIBILITY to report anything. Jeff Weir has been doing a great job for years, hopefully he’ll continue to volunteer his time & efforts. Perhaps the hearing didn’t happen. Perhaps Redweek decided not to spend money on this hearing. Lets have a little patience with our friends at Redweek, or anyone else who may have spent the time & money to find out, document and report.