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Another Assessment from the Shelbys

This is in addition to the previous assessment for 2019. They want another 979.00. Greetings from St Thomas! We are happy to inform that renovations continue, that the resort is looking better than ever, and that for the moment we continue on schedule for partial reopening on January, 2020. However, since our last communication, we have experienced cost overruns due to the damage being more extensive than thought. We are over $400,000 out of budget and renovations are not complete. This has happened as a result of unexpected repairs and work not covered in the insurance budget breakdown sent in May, 2019. Said unexpected repairs include but were not limited to: Tearing down, replacing and retiling entire old bar floor; buying additional tile not contemplated in the first budget; redoing all upper deck drains; fixing upper pool cracks; replacing outdoor electrical and lighting; replacing security cameras; tearing down and rebuilding many balconies; replacing and retiling many floors, major generator repairs and parts; repair-plaster-resurface outer building walls; replacing ceiling dry walls for both rooms and restaurant; completing the last half of the pool tile; a month’s time of jackhammering and power washing out old pool concrete and diamond brite to prep upper pool for resurfacing and new diamond brite. There is also the cost of contracted casual labor --carpenters, painters, tile installers-- at $175,499.00 since we began renovations in May. Add approximately another $60-70k in additional construction materials –lumber, tile, paint, scaffolds, concrete, grout and the like. Neither of these areas was projected in the first budget. Before we go any further, we would like to say that these past two years since the storms have been difficult and stressful times for all of us: our staff, their families, friends, and the islands in general. Many friends and staff members lost their homes. Some lost dear ones. Pets were lost too. As if it was not hard enough to adjust to the destruction that surrounded us, we had to live months without power, with limited supplies, with shortages of construction materials, of food items, of basic needs like ice and gas. Many old businesses that we cherished did not reopen. Lots of of us still endure depression and PTSD, especially with so many power outages that remind us every day of the fragility of these islands, and the possibility of other storms. The road to reconstruction for those of us who were forced to endure the harsh realities of disaster has been tiring and long, and the awful memories of loss will forever live in our hearts and in our minds. It has come to our attention that some members have been venting their displeasure at speed of recovery and costs at Viola. Viola is a long term staff member who cannot control the rebuilding and is not an active member of the rebuilding team. Please do not yell at Viola. Yelling, threatening lawsuits and making formal complaints only distract us from our recovery efforts. While the speed of recovery may seem slow, we are on target to reopen before the Marriott, Blue Beard Beach Club and other hotels. Our repairs are ahead of many homes and condominiums. It takes approximately $150k a month to operate the resort. See attached breakdown. We cannot financially plan when members do not comply with their dues and obligations. But the good news is that in spite of the delinquencies of some we continue to survive, and have never given up, maintaining the fight and efforts to rebuild. At the moment, we continue to work online reservations with unowned inventory, but the reality is that the hotel can’t accommodate guests while reconstruction is going on. We do not have anywhere else to obtain additional construction revenue until we open for business in January, especially since we graciously granted a credit of much needed maintenance fees to those who complied with the 2018 obligations. As much as we regret this, we must assess again, hopefully for the last time in a long while. As a reminder, our contract establishes that: "In the event that the insurance proceeds are insufficient to repair such damage… the club may assess members on a pro-rata basis for said deficit." Given all of the above, we are truly sorry that we have no alternative but to assess our members to cover this unfunded common expense in order to keep our doors open until the resort gets back on its feet. THIS REBUILDING ASSESSMENT OF $979.00 PER OWNED WEEK IS DUE AND PAYABLE UPON RECEIPT OF THIS NOTIFICATION. For those of you still lagging behind, we ask that you please become current. You will be placed in collection and your time will be forfeited if you do not become current, and you will not be able to use, bank or exchange your weeks unless you become current. If you want out of your contract, remember that your account must be current and your dues paid up, assessments included. contact Viola at 340-777-6000 or When we put together our budget in May, we in good faith thought that said budget would carry us through to complete construction. Due to additional damages not foreseen until reconstruction began as enumerated above, this was not the case. But on a positive note, we have no doubt that you will love the new look, and that you will be happy to return to your home away from home soon enough. Please refer to attached video and pics of rooms, and check our new website,, to see our progress story on November 21. Looking forward to seeing you all in 2020. Sincerely, Michael and Mercedes Shelby