Report Abuse

Re: Magens Point Resort

This came today To those of you who did not comply with your financial obligations to the resort, be reminded that you will NOT be able to use or trade your unit week (s) for 2020 if on the Magens Bay Villas side, or for 2021 if on the Tropic Leisure Club group. Do not show up. We will not accommodate you. No exceptions will be made. Do not rent your week unit out unless your account is current. We will not check in any renters unless your accounts are up to date. If your account is not current by March 1, 2020, you will be placed in default and sent out to a collection agency. Please pay your dues immediately to avoid affecting your credit. We will not continue to make exceptions for our membership. We ALL have financial realities to deal with, and the resort has much suffered from years of constant club member delinquencies. The resort MUST run like a business from now on. We have been lenient long enough. If you feel that the resort no longer serves your needs, do not engage in more discussions that lead nowhere. Contact Viola (remember to be polite) to see about terminating your contract. Be reminded that you can only terminate your contract if your account is current. Sincerely, The Management